Easy peasy, my favorite kind of meal. J's favorite meal I make is beef enchiladas but he does not get those often. They are more labor intensive than I like. With me that means I have to do more than preheat the oven.
Tonight is grocery shopping at the local Walmart. *cringe* As we get closer to Christmas I feel the need to hibernate away from the general public more and more. Shocking but I did venture out this year on Black Friday. I waited until after 2PM so all the really great sales were gone but so were the people. I am not going to fight with anybody over merchandise. I will jut buy it online if it that important. Aunt T works at a Walmart Competitor that will remain nameless. She had to be at work at 6AM on Black Friday. According to her people actually ran to the electronics section when the doors opened. Stunts like that are how people get hurt or even killed like the man in New York who was trampled. Aunt T was putting items back and had a shopping cart with her to hold said items. She was almost done with only two left when she left her basket to put one away. She came back to find both things sitting on the ground and her cart nowhere in sight. Basket thievery was high on black Friday.
Rory is in a foul mood today. We are out of kool aid so I gave him water. It is like he thinks I laced it with strychnine. Doesn't help that he no longer takes naps. He stays in his room for the required amount of time but you can hear him playing. Right now all I can hear is the boo hoo in my ear. I never realized fruit punch kool aid meant so much to him. The only thing keeping me in a decent mood right now is Lorelei. She thinks her brother's crying is an invitation to vocalize. She has been singing to me all afternoon.
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