Ink from a cheap pen will take longer to wear off your hand than the pricier ink pens. I know this because I wrote "soothie teether" on the back of my hand Sunday afternoon and here it is Tuesday, I can still see a rough outline. This is after three showers and at least 50 hand washes. Next time I will just use a magic eraser instead of soap and water. In case your wondering what made me write the little message on my hand, it was frustration. Lorelei is a chewer. Rory was not. Never took a teething ring, chewed on those plastic keys every kid has, or the countless teething items I purchased sure he would need them. He did chew on things he was not supposed to, so I guess I can't say he was not a chewer. He was more like a puppy.

Do you see the same resemblance I do?

He chewed on his clothes, remote controls, his parents, killed my Aunt Trish's cell phone. Once we even found that he had rolled from his activity mat to the coffee table so he could chew on the leg. Why he chewed on all these things is beyond me since the kid never produced a tooth until he was eleven months old. Here he is with J and his own personal remote we gave him out of self defense.

I just wanted to make it clear that J is the one in the picture above so no one thinks I let my legs get that hairy. The man does have some nice stems though!
Lorelei has been trying to chew on her pacifiers but they are kind of awkward for her little hands. The makers of soothie paci's in all their genius created a teething paci for soothie addicts like mine. I bought her one on Saturday and lost it in less than 24 hours. It was in the early AM so I cannot be sure where it even went. I think a certain big brother or pug may have helped me loose it. The not on my hand was to remind me to add it to my shopping list because it WILL be replaced! The short time Lorelei had it she was in love. It fit so well in her hands. She could maneuver it. It was great. Then it was gone.

Of course you know as soon as i buy the new one I will find the old one. Rory or Inigo will bring it to me. J will find it under his night stand. That is just how my universe works.
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