As a parent your job is never done. In most cases Mom's are the ones who end up with the domestic fun. Wash the laundry, fold/ hang it up, prepare and cook dinner, do the dishes, clean the house (that one is a monster), insert random chore here. I am not saying Dad's do not do their share. In my house J is in charge of mowing the lawn, fixing what breaks, carpet shampoos when needed, and several other "man" chores as I call them. The debate over who works harder, the stay at home mom or the career mom is a touchy subject that I am not touching with a ten foot pole. I can only talk about my experiences since it is all I know.
I am a SAHM so I feel like a work 24/365. 366 on leap year! I look forward to weekends as a time when J will be with me all day to run interference with my wild little monkeys. Any extra project I might have are almost always done on the weekends. I do not have the time to sort out clothes for good will, or reorganize the closet during a normal day. I liken my weekdays to being in the center of a tornado. The chaos whirls around me and i can usually stay in safe zone and go with the twists and turns. One small step in the wrong direction and I will get swept up into the madness. J is my tow cable attached to a pole cemented 200 feet into the ground. He keeps me grounded.
This weekend I

will be pulling overtime. J has to work for the booster club at the air show on base Saturday. On Sunday we are going to take Rory to see the planes. J and Rory will run around looking and pointing while Lorelei and I read a book in the shade. No side project are gonna get finished this weekend. Oh well. How often do you get a chance to go to the air show? Maybe once a year if you have a good base nearby. Rory loves any type of transportation so he is going to flip. That is going to be one exhausted child by the time we get home. Don't go thinking that means he will sleep in on Monday morning. Oh no, not my son. He only needs nanosecond of shut eye to function properly.
Sounds like a fun weekend! At least you might get a little good reading time in while at the show. I'll be hoping for 2 really exhausted kids by the end of the weekend!