J is back from FL finally. It is so nice to have him home but it is also an adjustment. For four months we both got into solo routines and now we have to unlearn them. It can be quite funny at times. J is used to having only one small room to deal with and daily maid service. Well he ain't got that now. Here he has a pregnant wife who is a week away from her 3rd trimester and a tornado strength toddler. Although I will admit having him home has made me feel more motivated. All the depression of being apart really made just want to sit and vegetate. Now I am rip roaring and ready to go. Too bad I cannot go for more than fifteen minutes at a time and bending over is impossible without crashing.

Another story from our home - Lily has made great progress! She is really doing well with her food aggression since she has no food to be mad over. She only gets it put down for 30 minutes at a time 2x's a day. Her training as been progressing well. She is becoming more comfortable with Rory. He really does scare her because she does not know what he is going to do. It is a slow process but it is worth it to make us all more comfortable. She still is a major chocoholic and will rip open the empty bag of milano cookies just to sniff the inside. Poor baby just wants the good stuff. We got her some doggy chocolate which is made from that carob gunk. They sell it to humans also at health food stores. I think I will pass on that one.
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