Spoilers ahead!!!

I would like to start off by saying that I did like this movie. That does not however stop me from being a tad critical.
A lot of people have expressed a problem with the fact that a young boy is one of the first character to get tackled by a face hugger. I will agree that it was disturbing to watch but it makes sense if you think about it. Like one blogger wrote "In the event of an alien invasion crisis there will not be a sign that says Women-Children-Elderly: Exit here"
Besides why waste time hunting a large adult when a slower child is easy pickings. Survival of the fittest. IF you just cannot get over the good dying young, well avoid animal planet.
Now for the part I DID have huge issue with. This is where the writers said, "Let's think up something truly gruesome and uncomfortable for the audience. Who cares if it flaunts the ENTIRE Alien franchise."
Pregnant women are orally raped by the Predator/Alien cross breed. The little embryos hatch, eat the existing child, and pop out of the poor woman's stomach four at a time. Argue all you like but that has got to be purely for the shock value. It makes no sense to me.
See, I can do a short and sweet rant.
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