Christmas in Florida was great. We had the usual presents Christmas morning, loads of people to visit, dinner at two different locations, stockings on Christmas eve. The usual Jackson family Christmas schedule just in a different state this time. J and I went to see I am Legend, which I though t was not very good. The CGI monsters were down right pitiful. We also watched Aliens Vs. Predator: Requiem with my Brother in law and his wife. I liked it okay but it was obvious the directors decided to "make it their own". I will be doing a separate blog about that movie tomorrow. Actually the funniest stories I have to share with you are not truly holdiay related at all. Isn't always like that?
Rory tried to give himself brain damage. He hit the same spot on his forehead over and over. First was the corner of a book shelf that left a nice crease for about an hour. Grandma helped him bonk it on the ceramic tile floor and the bathroom door not once but twice. This was followed by a temper snit of his that ended with him head butting the rim of a very thick glass. He quickly found out that hurt no one else and would be best not to repeat it during the next tantrum. Last (that I can attest to) was when he opened the silverware drawer and well, you know.
I had several blonde moments. My two favorites are when I told my cousin's GF what I got her for Christmas BEFORE she had a chance to open it and when I tried to shut the trunk to the van on my head. Guess we know where Rory gets his affinity for head wounds.
Let's see then there was the cat fiasco parts 1 and 2.
Part 1: Simon escapes
J and I get back from a goodbye breakfast at IHOP with his family to find the front door to my Aunt L's house locked. I can see my mother eating her breakfast at the table and working on a sudoku puzzle. This would normally be the point in the story when the locked out party knocks and is heard. Not in mine. Mom is deaf so no can hear me. J found a window unlocked and we broke in. The smart thing to do would have been to immediately put the screen back on the window. Again not done in this story. The window was in our room so we opened later for some cooler air and Simon leaps for freedom. J and Aunt L go out into the pitch darkness to find him. J has to herd the runaway from several houses down only to be attacked by the frightened feline. Finally they got him corralled and back inside but not without J looking like he was on the losing end of a bar fight. That is what we told him to tell people. No one wants to admit they got whooped by a cat.
Part 2: Squeaky turns blue
Finally on the road home to IL when I hear a hacking gurgle from the backseat. Mom's cat is vomiting cat food on the presents. Pull over, glare at cat, clean up. Drive another 30 miles and more hack/gurgle. Pull over, beat cat, clean up. All the excitement has set poor kitty into one of his asthma attacks. Now we have to find a vet in Andalusia, AL. One hour and $98 later back on the road.
It's good to be home.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Writer's Strike destroyed my TV
I have really tried to stay away from the strike topic. Alas the lure has proved too powerful for me to ignore. I was trying to be understanding but when Heroes ran out of scripts and had to do a quicky ending I was livid. Do not mess with my TV lineup! Are they going to get this handled soon? Once Christmas is over there will be no reason for the inane movies that are currently playing in place of your favorite program. Broadway came to their resolution quickly but damage had already been done. Thousands of people with reservations and tickets in NYC cancelled so they would not loose money. I think it was somewhere in the millions for lost revenue.

In January quite a few new series' are slated to begin and several are going to return from major cliffhangers. Will it actually happen? Who knows. One show I am looking forward to is the Sarah Connor Chronicles. Summer Glau who you may remember from Firefly is going to play a young female terminator. Yay! The whole cast looks great. Once a week I will get my Terminator fix. Life is good. Unless the writers mess with my mechanical pre-apocalyptic TV goodness. In which case I might have to play terminator instead of Ms. Glau.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Desperate for my Housewife status back.

J asked me not to long ago if I had any issues with our marriage. That is the equivalent to "Do I look fat in this?" We decided it had been so long since we were able to co habitat that we forgot all those little nit picky problems couples have. I am confident they will resurface though. Little buggers never stay gone forever.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Attack of the sequels
Some movie franchises should never be resurrected. Hollywood seems to be having trouble turning out decent films so from time to time they decide to take a dead franchise and breath zombie life into it. Sometimes this is okay. Take the new Die Hard movie. I liked it. Batman Begins was awesome but only because the director chose to start from scratch. A similar tactic was used for Superman Returns. The Original Superman movie is classic. The sequels that followed, eh. So we just pretend they never happened and all is well.
The Rocky & Rambo series. Hmm, I like Stallone but can't we find him something better to do? There are no good roles out there for him to do? Well maybe he ought to do what Arnold did and bury himself in politics.
If I see another Freddy or Jason movie I am going to scream. Eventually the bad guys either need to die for good or just win already.
The Rocky & Rambo series. Hmm, I like Stallone but can't we find him something better to do? There are no good roles out there for him to do? Well maybe he ought to do what Arnold did and bury himself in politics.
If I see another Freddy or Jason movie I am going to scream. Eventually the bad guys either need to die for good or just win already.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Blank Check
If you think reading celebrity "news" blogs is for losers than I would like to take this moment to say, "Hello. My name is Bridget and I am a loser." I only ever read Perez Hilton's page. This leads me to my post today. Eva Longoria was spotted in a Texas Target where she reportedly spent $12,000. Someone asked "How do you spend $12,000 in Target."
Pardon me while I chuckle.
Okay I am done now.
How do you spend $12,000 in Target. Why it is really very simple my dear. Take one stay at home mom on a budget and set her free with a blank check. Can you hear that choir made up of heavenly host singing over head. Oh yeah, I do.
Pardon me while I chuckle.
Okay I am done now.
How do you spend $12,000 in Target. Why it is really very simple my dear. Take one stay at home mom on a budget and set her free with a blank check. Can you hear that choir made up of heavenly host singing over head. Oh yeah, I do.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
acne rant

Being a woman I have to admit to problems with body image. Most of us have at least on area we wish we could change. Maybe it is your hair that won't curl, your nose is the wrong shape, too much/ not enough weight, skin problem, height, teeth, so on and so forth. I am realistic so it is not like I am asking to be snow white and the fairest in the land. That would be a bit more trouble than it is worth if you ask me. Sure I would love to have a dazzling whiter smile, smaller waist, more luxurious hair but acne is my biggest ick. My smile can be bleached by the dentist. After I give birth to my daughter I can worry about diet and exercise. The hair is actually not bad and would be happier if I was nicer to it. All things I can do myself in the name of personal improvement. For me, my biggest issue is acne.
Lets dispel some acne myths before I go on. ( the following section id taken from Proactiv Solution Acne Myths.)
Myth- Acne is caused by dirt.
Acne is caused by a number of factors - but dirt isn't one of them. Blemishes form when dead skin cells mix with your body's natural oil, forming a plug in your pores. This has nothing to do with dirt, so frequent washing of your face or body (more than twice a day) will not make your acne better. Over washing or stripping with alcohol in an effort to "clean" your skin can actually make blemishes worse.
Myth- Certain foods cause acne.
No, those french fries you had yesterday didn't give you new zits today. In fact, scientists have been unable to find ANY substantial connection between diet and acne. So all the foods you've been afraid of - pizza, french fries, chocolate - are fine. So use your common sense, but don't be afraid to indulge every now and then.
Myth- Acne is for teenagers.
Unfortunately, acne can strike at any age. Over 85% of all people 12-24 have acne. Acne can also start as late as ages 20s or 30s...especially in women, whose hormones are constantly fluctuating. It's estimated that one in four adults between the ages of 25 and 44 experiences acne, and nearly half of all adult women experience mild to moderate acne.
Myth- Just leave your acne alone, you'll grow out of it.
Untreated acne can leave permanent physical and emotional scars. No matter how old you are, it's important to start treating breakouts early. And the best way to treat breakouts and blemishes is to prevent them from appearing in the first place.
Myth- Treating pimples individually can clear acne up.
Since blemishes take 2-3 weeks to develop, you're treating an old symptom of the problem rather than the problem itself. The best way to treat acne is to help stop the blemishes from developing in the first place - which means treating the whole face or area every day, even when you aren't breaking out.
Myth- Sun exposure helps acne.
Wrong...the "Bronze Age" is over! While small amounts of sun exposure may initially improve acne, continuous sunbathing often increases plugging of the pores - producing comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) and small pimples. Ultimately, the risks of sun exposure outweigh its minimal benefits.
Myth- Acne is curable.
Not yet...but don't lose hope. Acne can be prevented and controlled with continued daily use of products, such as Proactiv® Solution, which contain powerful acne-fighting ingredients. And remember this: Even if your blemishes go away, your acne is not cured. It's important to be diligent about your treatment plan, even after your skin is clear.
And my all time favorite...
Myth- Acne is just a cosmetic condition, it is no big deal.
Yes, acne does affect the way people look - it's not a serious threat to a person's physical health. But it can also affect the way you feel about yourself and the world around you, causing low self-esteem and even depression. Don't let anyone discourage you from seeking treatment because your acne is just "a little problem."

It seems that having acne makes the general public feel that they are allowed to give unsolicited advice. Just because they have to look at it they feel they are entitled to an opinion. I know it is probably just me being self conscious but you start to feel like everyone is just staring at you. Then comes the oh so needed "You should try..." speech. Because that is just what a fourteen year old girl needs, to be singled out in the grocery line in front of God and Wal Mart for her unsightly blemish problems. Dig me a hole to die in. My life is now complete.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Snowy goodness.

I finally got my wish for snow. Well sort of. It's more icy pellets blanketing my backyard but I am confidant that this is just a taste of things to come. My only concern is the neighbors tree. Last year a big branch broke about halfway and is leaning over my fence. Might need to go talk about getting that gone so that my fence does not go down on night under the weight of an ice laden tree branch. The dogs are unsure of this new all white backyard. Lily makes it her mission to christen a spot yellow. Then she proceeds to her ice hunting hobby. Really there is nothing better than chewing on large chunks of ice when you are a husky. Linus is a little more picky. He has to mill around for a less white spot to do his business. Then he is off to roll on the deck. By the time I let him back in the house he is sopping wet. He has used my hair dryer more than I do.
Our Christmas tree is up and some outdoor lights as well. Rory loves the lights. We go driving around the neighborhood and he goes nuts pointing and chattering. He has got the right spirit!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
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