Monday, November 26, 2007
No Passport
Saturday, November 24, 2007

P.S. Don't you feel sorry for that chihuahua? Whatever that cat is plotting is going to sting.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Quick thoughts from CNN
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Holidays are here

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I am the boring one.

My laid back, no nonsense attitude is a source of contention between me and my conspiracy theorist hubby. I still remember when we first discussed the whole "big Brother" privacy issue. First of all I agree with him that there is always more going on that we know about. I agree that we probably have less privacy than we think due to govt monitoring. Does this bother me? Not really. Why?
A- I cannot do anything about it. Besides I feel a little safer knowing that they have their ears to the ground.
B- I am very boring and not worth monitoring. Seriously, who would watch a reality TV show about me? Heck, I wouldn't.
Poor J. Little does he know that he is pretty boring too. I grew up with the knowledge that somehow I always got caught when I was bad. It is sort of an odd family legacy passed down to each generation. I would never excel in a life of crime. In the movie of life I am just the comic relief.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Back in action
Since I am preggers and it is quote "Just your allergies" I am not being given anything other than clariten and a dose of benadryl before bedtime. The Doctor also warned me that this always last longer in us knocked up folks so I should expect to get comfortable with mucus.
The time we spent in Florida was great. I had a blast with my Aunt and cousins. Of course having my husband handy after an 8 week absence made me so deliriously blissful there was not much bringing me down. Both of my cousins have new love interests so I met them. I approve heartily. That is of course what Jim and Alicia have been waiting for, the approval of a younger cousin. Rory was enamored of Jim's girlfriend Liz. Soon as she hit the door he was on her. Alicia's Fiancee Crew was Rory's giant teddy bear friend.
Took Rory trick or treating for the first time. He did not really understand the logic behind it but the kid was crazy about strangers with candy. (Maybe not the best message?) We went with my cousin Jim, Liz, and their two rug rats. Rory was dressed as a pumpkin but as the night went on he ended up in just his onesie. It was quite hot and that pumpkin get up was making him sweat. Derrick and Isaac (7 & 5) were both ninjas. Derrick lost most of his ninja tools over the course of the night. Isaac was less than ninja like with his frequent tumbles across the lawn.
The next day was Rory's 2ND birthday. We had a transformers cake with chocolate ice cream. Presents included a little people's farmhouse, talking light up police car, john Deere tractor with animals, and a race car that counts in seven languages. The police car was hi favorite. I actually just bought him the matching fire truck for Christmas.
We spent some time with John's side of the family also. His Papa Jorge and Grandma Joann took us out to eat twice. We ate once with Aunt Jan and Uncle Bill. They took us to a seafood restaurant on the boardwalk. It was very cool. Finally got to meet Adam (Jan's son) who John has told countless childhood tales about. Very nice guy. The day before we left was our fifth wedding anniversary. Woo hoo! That makes nine years that we have been a couple. Here's to nine more.