Feeling kind of goofy today. I have no idea why but I am going to go with it. Don't know why I posted a pic of hamsters. I loathe hamsters. Bad childhood experience with one. I had him for about 48 hours. He bit me and then died. I am toxic, watch out!
I have a whole lot of junk I am trying to sell on Amazon. My personal library is a bit full so I am trying to weed it out. It is so hard to say goodbye to good literature. With the never ending stream of books coming into my possession I just needed to have some space to store them. You understand right?
Somehow I feel like I am abandoning a child.
Until I get the $$$.
Then I got a bit nutty and start trying to sell anything that is not nailed down. I have to stop myself and count the pets to make sure I did not box one up. Rory is safe because he won't stand to have his shoes tied so accidentally being shipped is not something he has the attention span for. Right now said shoes are being used as gloves. Why should shoes only be put on feet anyways? My son is all for diversity.
What does the weekend have in store for us? Not a whole lot. Have to do the bi-weekly grocery shopping. Our food supply is down and my family is starting to give me the stink eye when I suggest they make a sandwich. SO sorry I am not enough of a culinary genius to make gourmet out of black eyed peas, canned green beans, and pudding. I can only do so much magic.
I don't think I could let go of any of my books, I admire your bravery.
ReplyDeleteI miss when the shoes were unlovingly regarded as evil devices. Calire has realized if she has shoes she is allowed to walk around places so now if you attempt to remove her from the car seat without shoes you encounter something that rotates it's head 360 degrees and projects pea soup at staggering distances. They don't come into the house anymore because I'm afraid of forgetting them one day and losing a limb or my sight.
And thank you for commenting on my blogs. I like a little love now and then. :)