He was 18. Mom really hated the age difference and I do not blame her. My hypothetical daughter will not be allowed to date until she is 16. If I have to lock her in the cellar, so be it.Well, J's Mom must have believed the way my mom did because he brought his brother and two slacker friends with him. I came to learn in the years that followed that John went very few places without cheech and chong.
So four people piled into the back of his car. Packed like sardines. I did not worry too much since I was guaranteed shotgun. We drove the thirty minutes to the movie theater where Kerrie and I were out voted on the selection for the evening. Four - two in favor of "The Water boy". The odds were not in our favor. Being a girl I had never seen any Adam Sandler movies. I was in for a rude awakening.
When it came time to pay for the tickets did my date pay for me? Heck no, he had to pay for his three "kids". I remember standing there looking at him like he was a moron. Good thing I had some mad money. I was definitely mad. I had to admit that the movie had some funny points to it but I had never watched anything that did not have some kind of point to it. Adam Sandler movies only have morals and such if you look very hard. Careful, don't strain yourself.
After the movie her dropped off his buddies and Kerrie before taking me home. I thought this was just because it was on the way. Nope, wrong again. The lummox thought after making me pay for myself to see a movie I thought was filmed by monkeys he was going to get to make out with me parked on the side of the road no less.
Since then he has learned how to properly romance a lady. I only had to pound it in to him with a sledgehammer. These days he is the model husband who knows that I am much more pliable when wooed.
On a side note:
We went to see Pirates of the Caribbean: At the world's end on Saturday. It was good but I had some MAJOR issues to take up with the writers. Do not really want to talk about that, still too emotional. But wow, was Orlando Bloom hot at the end. About had a hot flash in the auditorium. It is weird, I only like Orlando Bloom on screen.

Apparently there is a scene after the credits. I was unaware of this. At the time I was so livid that I just left as soon as the credits started to roll. If I had stayed to see the scene I would have been much happier. Oh well. Live and learn. It is just a movie but give me my happy ending! This is Disney for crying out loud.
OMG! Where did you find that pic???!!! I spent hours looking for one after I saw it last Firday. he makes me weak in the knees at no other point, but the end of this movie. *fanning self* I uh, need to go have some alone time with my picture now, thanks!