This weekend was major bad for my family. Lorelei has been under the weather but that isn't even a blip on the radar currently.
Wednesday evening we noticed a smell that was none too pleasing. I cleaned the kitchen, the trash can, dishwasher, and disposal. Still the smell remained. Friday evening we located the smell and its cause. In the kitchen we have no cabinet doors. Don't ask, long story. There is one cabinet that is never used due to its awkward location. The cats like to use is for a hidey hole. Yes that little kernel of dread that has developed in the pit of your stomach is correct. The smell was one of my Aunt B's cats. Dead. George bit the dust hard core. J chimes in with "I thought I smelled death." Ever the observant commentator.
You think that was bad. It gets worse.
Monday was the day we were supposed to close on Mom's house in Texas. Notice all the past tense in that sentence. The buyer backed out two. days. before. closing.
Pardon me, I have to climb up on the roof and do a belly flop on a rake.
No worries. I am not the suicidal type. Low pain threshold. However I am not above a little homicide so the rake and I might be taking the train to Texas. I kid...maybe...
This puts a HUGE Godzilla size kink in our plans. I might be working on a temp solution so pray HARD for it to work out. We are looking for another buyer in Texas. The Ex-buyers were the first people to look at it after the new floors were installed so we are praying for a fast resolution to the lack of buyer. Just a lot of stress right now.
Did I mention Lorelei is sick? Yep. So even if I manage to forget all the rest of the drama I still have icky baby. She was so kind to share it with me also. I am showing the signs of her cold. Yippee skippee.
Since I need something to make me smile you get the picture below.

Oh no!!! So sorry Bridget!!! I will definitely be praying for a FAST resolution!!! Keep me posted okay!