I am going to have to weigh in on the Miss California debacle. I think it is a shame that she was penalized for giving her answer truthfully. When did saying you do not believe gay marriage become social suicide? Why was that question even asked? Does Miss America really do much lobbying in congress during her reign? From what i have heard reported she was not going to win anyway. She was behind in the swimsuit and one other category. What i find silly is how many people associated with her felt the need to contact the media to throw her under the bus. reminds me of grade school. remember when a rumor went around about one person and suddenly all his/her friends took a step back to say "we are not with that person. Don't even know 'em."

When she spoke she spoke for Carrie Prejean, the girl who scored the highest in the Miss California pageant. Not all of California, it's people, business, governments, etc. The California Pageant had to say how "disappointed" they were in Prejean. Shana Moakler spoke up about how saddened she was. Hello? Who cares? Not like USA was going to boycott California because of her answer. Chill out. I had to give her credit for giving the answer that was true to her heart in that moment. She could have lied. She knew she was gonna tank after that.
What is with Perez Hilton and his huge monster hissy fit? She didn't say what he wanted to hear so she deserves to be blasted with crude epitaphs all over the web and on TV? Equality and free speech unless you disagree with me? Have your opinion but have some class as well. No one needs to hear all the profanity and slurs to get that you are passionate about your point. Guess what? I do not believe in gay marriage. I only believe in marriage where God blesses the union. read the bible, God ain't too keen on the same sex unions. Not going to argue with any one about my opinion. The lifestyle you live is yours. My beliefs are mine. The same bible that taught me this also taught me to be kind and love all of God's children. So we might not believe the same things but I still love you as one of God's children.
As to the current events...
They have found pics of her she had taken nude. That goes against her contract and I believe she should have her crown stripped for that. As a potential role model I can get behind her being brave enough to be honest even in unfavorable conditions. I cannot condone pics in the nude.
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