My kids love to snuggle when they sleep. This is not a trait they got from me. When I sleep I want to be untouched by human hands. The pets refuse to leave me alone. This sometimes causes them to get kicked, pushed, and tossed across the room in my sleep. I am a mover. I am not still for longer than 60 seconds all night. Sleeping next to me is like laying in bed with a bucking bronco. You might find yourself tempted to feel sorry for my DH J. Don't waste your sympathy. The man falls asleep in
nano seconds, could snooze through a bomb, and has a tendency to sleep walk. Always got to be alert for that sleep walking business.

Rory and Lorelei both sleep smack up against their Daddy anytime they are in our bed. This suits me perfectly. I do not have to share any of my space. I am not heartless. If they feel the need to cuddle with Mom I open my arms to them. I am just not too upset to see them roll over back to Daddy.
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