Brother and sister. Rory is playing with a light switch that he think controls traffic light. J had gone to Home Depot to get one for the house and Rory wanted one of his own. He got the one we were replacing. Of course what one sibling has the other must try and take. Lorelei is quite normal in that respect.

This is the her new way of amusing herself. She growls with it in her mouth like this. J thinks it is hilarious. She usually does it in the grocery store when she gets bored.

Only a child of mine could sleep with her feet straight up in the air! Lorelei has this comfort routine she does to put herself to sleep with a blanket. She rubs her eyes and pulls it up over her head. We do not let her have the blanket unsupervised for this reason.

J setting up Rory's Train and Plane set. It is too big to catch all in one picture.

Rory can spend hours with his transportation depot. We even hear him with it in the middle of the night.
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