We knew that it was going to be madness. I actually bought the tickets off fandango a week in advance. When I purchased them the first showing on Thursday at midnight was already sold out. I have not seen that kind of ticket vanishing since Harry Potter! The original plan was Aunt T, Me and J were going to go leaving the kids down at Mac's house. Lorelei caught the sniffles so she was not really up to spending time with anyone besides mom and dad. Since I already had the ticket I called Mac and asked her instead of babysitting how about going to the movies?
We got there at 6:35PM for the 7 PM showing. After standing in the wrong line for thirty minutes we made it into the theater. Of course by now there were no seats except at the very top. I mean lean your head back against the wall top of the theater. We made our way up where six seats were available. On either side of the seat were teenagers (go figure, right?). They politely informed us that the seats were saved. I politely informed the usher that I didn't think saving seats was allowed. She called her manager to check, even if she did agree with me. Both Manager came over and this is when it got really good.
Managers tell me that "If they paid for the seats then we can't do anything."
Follow my logic here. The people who the seats were being saved for had to have tickets in hand to get past the usher. So while they did have tickets they were not officially ripped so I am already a step ahead. I told Manager that I paid for my seats too. Plus the Movie was already into the fourth preview so how long am I supposed to wait for the phantom friends? Managers appeared clueless and kind of walked off. The usher I originally talked to walked up and asked the girls if the seats were taken. Out of six seats only two were needed. They just didn't want to have to sit next to strangers. Scoot over girls, here I come. They proceeded to pout. Oh well, i wasn't hurt by that.

The film made a killing opening weekend. No surprise they have announced the plans to go ahead with the sequels. I will be there. I might take a flyswatter with me though to keep the Hannah Montana generation in line.

hahahaha! I can see you in the theater with a fly swatter.... Not a bad idea.
ReplyDeleteI think your hair looks great!