On Friday we went to the Zoo. We are Zoo Friend
Members and that includes 7 free parking permits, etc.
We have never taken advantage of it so we decided it was high time we did. Above Rory and J are checking out the river otter I was trying to get a picture of. He was teasing me so I never got a really good one. I did snap this one of them though. You can see Lorelei's feet where she is laying down in her stroller enjoying a bottle. That was her favorite part of the day.

There is my grizzly bear. I love grizzly bears. Not like that crazy Grizzly Man on discovery channel does but in my own way. The way that does not get me eaten. I knew they were big but they are H-U-G-E! I remember the first time I saw one at the zoo. I was in shock. J was like "Yes honey, they are big." I am all "No seriously, that is freaking huge!" Wow I think I just morphed into a valley girl there for a second. Sorry.

The petting zoo. J's
ocd nightmare made flesh. Obviously I handled this part of the tour.

Fairy Queen Lorelei on her throne surrounded by her Frog Court.

Guinea pigs (from
Peru!) Those were the tames guinea pigs I have ever seen. They munched on pig pellet (or whatever) and hung out while scores of children mauled them.

This little
meerkat was so desperate for attention. It was delighted when Rory sat down in front of the glass to play with him.
The insect house had the most beautiful butterfly house. Colors I have never seen in flight all around us. Rory was pretty amazed by them. We saw some leaf cutter ants and a bird eater tarantula. I can confirm my belief that I would die if one of those ever landed on me. He was belly to the glass and his pretty fangs were visible. Much OW to be had there. J saw it and said "I would have a heart attack and die if i ever saw one of those without glass between us." Yep, already covered that one babe.
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