It is a nice 70 degrees here today. I am not liking it. We had two blissfully chilly weeks. I want them back. When it is so pretty and sunny out my annual winter is coming head cold just seems wrong. The warmer weather is making my nose run faster. I need to cold to kind of keep things solid. LOL.
I am trying to get my house ready for company. This is confusing to bear with me. Aunt T is already here to stay. Aunt B and Gran are bringing up the first of two uhauls to put into storage. They will leave Sunday and return with Uhaul #2 in late November/ early December. That should be when they are here to stay. The TX house will be on the market and in the hands of our capable realtor. Meanwhile Aunt B will be working on the job front so that she can get the loan when the house sells to buy my house so I can by a bigger house. Whew!
So in my three bedroom, two bath house we will eventually have 6 adults, 2 children, 4 dogs, and 13 cats. We have people on couches, day beds, chaise loungers, and of course regular beds. Can I come live with you? Whose Idea was this for everyone to move to Illinois? Oh yea, me.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
*Cough cough*
I know my favorite season is upon us when my family gets its first cold. Rory started the tag team event quickly passing it to me. I handed it off to my Mother who in turn gave it to my daughter. Aunt T and J still appear unaffected. I plan to cough on their dinner tonight. It is only fair. J almost never catches am illness from me. He brings them home for us, but we cannot seem to return that favor. I suppose that is good since he is the bread winner. Not to mention super whiny when he is sick. I prefer him healthy.
Not that I really get a chance to be sick. I have to schedule healing around nap times and bedtimes. I pop a lot of Tylenol cold. Rory must be like his Daddy. The only way we knew he was sick was one day only he seems tired and refused food and candy. Gasp! My son refuses candy it is a national disaster. Lorelei is still in good spirits, God bless her. She is sneezing, coughing, and has crud in her chest but as happy as always. I have little trooper.
Lorelei already has an appointment scheduled for tomorrow. She has been doing this wheezing thing for a while now. Asthma does run in both sides of the family so we need to get that checked out. She is supposed to go for her 6 month well baby check up on Thursday but that might get cancelled. She is after all not a well baby. I don't think they will give her shots when she is sick. What do I know though.
Rory has an appointment Thursday foe blood work. We are checking for diabetes. Another thing that runs in the family. He is always thirsty. Drinks about a gallon and a half by himself daily. Just being precautions. If he has his cold still on Thursday the doc can deal with it too.
Guess who else has an appointment on Thursday? Me! Yep, got to get my antidepressant scrip rewritten by my regular doctor now that I am no longer under the care of OB/GYN. I have been on antideps for a long time. I don't create serotonin correctly. Besides the mood I become physically ill due to the imbalance without them. I have tried going of them before (i.e. when i had no insurance). Was about two months and very bad. I do not recommend it.
Not that I really get a chance to be sick. I have to schedule healing around nap times and bedtimes. I pop a lot of Tylenol cold. Rory must be like his Daddy. The only way we knew he was sick was one day only he seems tired and refused food and candy. Gasp! My son refuses candy it is a national disaster. Lorelei is still in good spirits, God bless her. She is sneezing, coughing, and has crud in her chest but as happy as always. I have little trooper.
Lorelei already has an appointment scheduled for tomorrow. She has been doing this wheezing thing for a while now. Asthma does run in both sides of the family so we need to get that checked out. She is supposed to go for her 6 month well baby check up on Thursday but that might get cancelled. She is after all not a well baby. I don't think they will give her shots when she is sick. What do I know though.
Rory has an appointment Thursday foe blood work. We are checking for diabetes. Another thing that runs in the family. He is always thirsty. Drinks about a gallon and a half by himself daily. Just being precautions. If he has his cold still on Thursday the doc can deal with it too.
Guess who else has an appointment on Thursday? Me! Yep, got to get my antidepressant scrip rewritten by my regular doctor now that I am no longer under the care of OB/GYN. I have been on antideps for a long time. I don't create serotonin correctly. Besides the mood I become physically ill due to the imbalance without them. I have tried going of them before (i.e. when i had no insurance). Was about two months and very bad. I do not recommend it.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Christmas shopping 2008: part 1
We start Christmas shopping early. I like to have it all done before thanksgiving. I hate fighting with crowds. It ruins my holiday spirit. Here is the loot the kids have racked up thus far.
Rory's Christmas presents from Mom and Dad so far...
Imaginext Adventure Set

Geo Air High Flying Air Port

Lorelei's Christmas Presents from Mom and Dad so far...
Newborn Cabbage Patch Doll
Fisher Price Fish Bowl

For Lorelei from my Mom...
Fisher Price laugh and learn activity table
Fairie Sippy cups
Cabbage Patch Doll 50th Anniversary
Rory's Christmas presents from Mom and Dad so far...
Imaginext Adventure Set

Geo Air High Flying Air Port

Lorelei's Christmas Presents from Mom and Dad so far...
Newborn Cabbage Patch Doll
Fisher Price Fish Bowl

For Lorelei from my Mom...
Fisher Price laugh and learn activity table

Fairie Sippy cups
Cabbage Patch Doll 50th Anniversary
Monday, October 20, 2008
Newest TV adiction

True blood is my new addiction. I am really enjoying the series. Also happy that HBO renewed the contract for them to continue to film. I am a multi tasker. Listen to music while I write, play tetris when I watch TV, it really bothers the crap out of J. I give true blood my full attention though. It is not some brilliant plot or a new idea, that is what baffles me. The characters are great though. They are people I would want to meet. Nothing worse than a cast of characters no one can stand. Maybe it is just my love of a good vampire story. I was a huge buffy fan.
I like that they are staying close to the book but not doing it verbatim. It is director Alan Ball's vision of the book series and not just Harris'. Bet that has a lot of Harris fans upset though. I can understand that. Reading a book is always going to be different than watching a movie. It has to be. Why people do not get that is beyond me. One huge complaint I keep hearing is "Tara is white in the book." Louisiana is pretty diversified. I have a problem with how few black people i have seen. And why are they all related?
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Bet you didn't know
Six things you don't know about me
1. I like to eat jalapenos covered in sour cream. I also fancy chicken gizzards and hearts, squid, eel, and very rare steak.

2. My husband was the first man I ever met that I did not immediatley entertain the idea of a possible romantic relationship.

3. One of the reasons I love my cat Miss Kitty is because she is so mean. I makes it mean more when she comes to sit in my lap for some lovins.

4. Every one knows my infatuation with vampire lore but I also am very fascinated by mermaids. Odd since I hate the ocean.

5. I refused to learn how to read(didn't work) and learn how to drive(worked until I went to college).

6. As a kid my favorite color was hot pink. I cannot stand it any more unless it is on little girls. Currently I am not partial to any color.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Halloween Horror
I love movies. Horror, sci fi, fantasy, and thrillers are my favorite. I am currently looking forward to Twilight on Nov. 21st. Of course I will be in line for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince when it opens too. Last year I did a whole horror movie thing for the month of October. Don't really have the time to to do the research this year. Instead i thought i would list the horror movies I am looking forward to in the next year.
Starring Sean Bean. About black death and necromancy
This one might never make it off the ground but wouldn't it be neat if it did?
Yet another video game turned film. Starring Brittany Snow
Please do not let the curse of the sequel kill this film.
Men are being killed by women infected with a virus turning them into men hating cannibals. Could be interesting. Or could be feminist inspiried nightmare. I am hoping for interesting.
written and directed by the Raimi family. Enough said
Sounds like a modern day Running Man
Same as fortuna but with video games
Very excited about this one
And just because I can here is the forecast for 2010
Not listed as a horror movie but with TIm Burton as the director it has to be some what creepy right?
Based on the awesome and seriously spooky game
One of the greatest book series of all time. Kyle Mclachlan version is good. Sci Fi did a good adaptation. Give them a big budget and lets make a blockbuster!
With the success of the game did you think there would not be a movie?
I love the first movie and the games. they scare me to death.
If you are looking for information on movies, television, actors, etc check out It is a great resource for checking movies that are announced and filming. It is where I get a lot of my information on what is in the works.
Another good site is UHM which stands for Upcoming Horror Movies. Horror is my favorite of the favorites so I spend some time there checking out reviews and news about upcoming releases.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Scattergories...because I have nothing else
* Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
* They have to be real places, names, things. nothing made up!
* You can’t use your name for the boy/girl name question.
* Tag at least 5 people to play along
1. What is your name? Bridget
2. A 4 Letter Word: Book
3. A Boy's Name: Bob
4. A Girl's Name: Brenda
5. An Occupation: Book Binder
6. A Color: Blue
7. Something you wear: Bra
8. A Beverage: Blue Coconut slushie
9. A Food: Brie
10. Something found in the bathroom: bubble bath
11. A place: Boston
12. A Reason for being late: Baby
13. Something you shout: Bite me
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Not a recluse but a hobo.
You might remember my story about the three times I have been bitten by a brown recluse. I never actually saw the spider since i was sleeping all three times. I have seen quite a few spiders around the house it happened in and mistakenly assumed they were brown recluses. I never got close enough to thoroughly examine them cause I am not insane. Turns out my assailant was a hobo spider.
Apparently brown recluses are blamed for a high percentage of hobo spider bites. If it had been a real brown recluse I imagine I would have been a lot more worse off than I actually was. A brown recluse has more venom than a diamond back rattlesnake. Learned that on discovery channel this past weekend. My bite was pretty nasty to begin with so I am glad it was not a recluse after all. I am hoping to avoid any further encounters. So as long as I don't sleep in Texas I ought to be fine!

Apparently brown recluses are blamed for a high percentage of hobo spider bites. If it had been a real brown recluse I imagine I would have been a lot more worse off than I actually was. A brown recluse has more venom than a diamond back rattlesnake. Learned that on discovery channel this past weekend. My bite was pretty nasty to begin with so I am glad it was not a recluse after all. I am hoping to avoid any further encounters. So as long as I don't sleep in Texas I ought to be fine!

Brown Recluse ^
I don't think it is very hard to believe that I might get these two confused. They are sort of similar.
Monday, October 6, 2008
A day at the zoo
We have never taken advantage of it so we decided it was high time we did. Above Rory and J are checking out the river otter I was trying to get a picture of. He was teasing me so I never got a really good one. I did snap this one of them though. You can see Lorelei's feet where she is laying down in her stroller enjoying a bottle. That was her favorite part of the day.
The insect house had the most beautiful butterfly house. Colors I have never seen in flight all around us. Rory was pretty amazed by them. We saw some leaf cutter ants and a bird eater tarantula. I can confirm my belief that I would die if one of those ever landed on me. He was belly to the glass and his pretty fangs were visible. Much OW to be had there. J saw it and said "I would have a heart attack and die if i ever saw one of those without glass between us." Yep, already covered that one babe.
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