The introduction of our newest family member has been bittersweet. More sweet than bitter. Another child brings more stress to a household. I think we have handled it very well but it caused a very hard decision to be made. My Siberian husky Lily had to be put to sleep. She was aggressive towards Rory and we had always kept them apart but one night last week she finally made a move. The ticking time bomb went boom. She did not even touch him but you could tell she really wanted to. I felt like a monster but I have to protect my babies. We thought about giving her to a new family but with her aggression problems it really was not a good idea. What if she bit someone? Besides the legal liability I would feel awful. We had tried animal behaviorists and they told us she was pretty much set like she was. The thing that makes me so mad is she was not always like this.
When J joined the USAF and we moved to our base we could not find an apartment that we could afford and have pets. We left her in my father's care. Bad idea. He allowed his Dalmatian and Lily to fight. Knock down drag outs that required stitches for his dog every time. You would think the price of vet bills would make him try to keep them from fighting but no. He didn't even tell me what was going on so I could try to make different arrangements. My nice sweet baby girl was turned mean.

At least she will no longer be bothered by her seizures. I stayed with her until her heart stopped. One of the hardest things I have ever done as a pet owner.

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