Myspace has been acting hinky for a few weeks now. I swear it takes me 15 minutes to log in and that is when I can even get the page to load at all. Myspace has been a powerful tool. Dangerous, but powerful. I have been able to find people dear to my heart that have moved as far away as Germany. Samantha who is my only permanent comment resident was a high school friend that moved away before graduation but through the awesome powers of myspace we were reunited. I recently found another friend that actually lived in the same town as me for several years, this is odd because it is 620 miles from the hometown we grew up in together.
Unfortunately with the good comes the bad. People who barely knew me then or have absolutely nothing in common with me now still want to add you to the 62895436 other friends they have on their page. Granted some people grow and mature (myself included) and make great additions to my life but for the most part I am fine being acquaintances from the same town who wave when we see each other but don't really stop to catch up. Then of course there are the stalkers. I think we all stalk a little. I will admit to it. This is why I keep my page private. I know people like me are out there surfing profiles out of sheer boredom.
I really use myspace as more of a starting place to reconnect. For instance Samantha and I email back and forth on the site but we have phone #'s also so we can talk like in the olden days. It is great for getting back in touch so that you can plan to visit the next time your both in town et cetera. Now that I have given my wisdom on myspace to the world I think it is time for bed.
I felt obligated to comment since my name is upt here three or four times.0 M0ySpace has been goo0d and I hink more people need a MySpace. I've found that generally the people youd on't want to find you do and only about half of the people you want to find you will do so. At least you're in the miniority. :)