Monday, August 13, 2007

People politics

You might have noticed that I have an opinion on everything. This of course extends to my political views. That's right I am gonna blog about the President.
Do I agree with all of his choices? No. Do I think he makes mistakes? Yes. DO I support him. Yes.

"W" - I think he was put into a very tough spot. Newly elected and a terrorist attack on home soil. People criticize him and call him dumb but he was elected twice so if he is so dumb why did you elect him twice? When he was told about hurricane Katrina he was reading to little children at a school. Tons criticized him for his decision to continue his visit with the kids. So he was supposed to panic a bunch of kids? Does your preschooler understand disappointment? And besides what was he going to do? He isn't moses with the ability to part water. Then they were angry that he took a few more day before visiting the disaster scene. A president is not allowed to go anywhere that he might be endangered. A hurricane just ripped the south a new one, the whole area is unstable but hey let's bring our nation's leader down into the thick of it.

On the war- If you do no believe we should have gone to war then what should we have done? They came into our country, learned at our universities, and then crashed planes full of innocent people into building full of even more people. I do not think there was much choice left. DO I want the troops home? Hell yes! My husband is a troop. Most of my friends are wives of troops. I do not want them to go to war. Recently Bush was asked to give a date by which troops would pull out. Duh, bad idea. Then all the terrorists have to do is sit tight until that day rolls around and they are home free. Besides we are never going to fully pull out. Just accept that we are going to be there in some capacity for a long time to come. The search for weapons of mass destruction yielded nothing. Personally I say this was a blessing. It was just a rumor that we were acting on in the first place. Then again so was Intel we had about the twin towers.

National security- They complain that the government is butting into our private lives (like they weren't already, please). Then they complain because why didn't the government do something. Well you can't have it both ways so chill out already.

I could go discuss a few more scenarios but I will stop for now. I know I am gonna get it for this post. I can practically smell Samantha stewing from GA.
Okay, let the public beating begin.

1 comment:

  1. Well, didn't we open a nice can of worms? Do you really think you're ready for this because I think you better sit down.

    Ok, are you sitting down?

    Here it comes...

    ... I agree with every point you made.

