Recently we took a trip to Texas to visit with the fam. It was a very eventful trip. At the first rest stop our golden retriever Linus and pug Inigo took off for parts unknown. Luckily they met up with a brick wall that halted their progress allowing J to catch up. Bad doggies! We finally got there after 11 1/2 grueling hours in the car. Three adults, 1 infant, one toddler, 2 dogs, and a cat.
In case you are wondering, yes we do have a van.
In case you are wondering, yes we do have a van.
it was sooo hot. 104 degrees at eight in the evening with 80% humidity. That is just wrong. Rory and I found a huge weed in my aunt's flower bed that was so tall I just had to get a picture of it. I thought it was corn from a distance!
I got to eat tons of Mexican food. Hooray! The Midwest is just not the place for Mexican food. I also went to my favorite Japanese Steakhouse and ate yummy sushi with my brother in law. As you can see food is a highlight of travel for me. Well life really. Fun was had by all. It was nice to finally get back home to IL. We were so exhausted and missed our big bed most of all.