Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Wednesday Weirdness

If you have watched the news lately you might have heard about the flooding in the Midwest. Not far from where I live is underwater. The mighty Mississippi is only about 20 miles from my house. I am not in any danger of floating away but it is awful close. It is a very horrible situation anytime people loose their home or even lives. So please take in to consideration that I am aware of the severity of the events around me but also cursed with a cynical, twisted sense of humor. Thus I bring to you my Wednesday Weirdness list in it's debut appearance.
5 things to occupy your time (while you wait for the water to recede)
5. Use front door as a surfboard.
4. Fish from the roof.
3. Scuba dive in the backyard.
2. Community bumper boats
1. Re-enact scenes from The Pirates of the Caribbean or Waterworld with the neighbors.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Monday, ick
Monday is not my best day of the week. It is the day I loathe of the seven I have to choose from. I have a serious Garfield complex when it comes to Mondays. I prefer to stay in bed and hide from the responsibilities the start of the "work" week demands. I put work in quotes because it is really the start for J not me. My work week doesn't really end as a house mom but the weekends are lighter. Since Lorelei was born two months ago (too quick already!) I have been much more active. Go figure, loose the added burden of another human being sharing your body and viola! everything feels better.
So lately I have been trying to be less anti Monday. However, there is a difference between choosing and being forced to do something. Today Rory's speech therapist and Early Intervention Case Manager are coming for a meeting to discuss his progress. Which is amazing by the way. He has just exploded with language. I doubt we will need to continue much longer. So today I have to get the house in proper shape for company to be here. This Friday (my favorite day of the week) my Aunt B and Grandma are visiting for the weekend. Now I have to make sure that I work on keeping it up all week so I do not have to repeat Monday Madness on Freaky Friday.

On to the little man in my life. He is such a cute and loves to talk now. He has started saying unacceptable and dang when something happens he doesn't like. He also says oh no and oh it's okay when he thinks something is wrong. What a great big brother too. He is very nice to her but prefers to go about his business as usual. I can't fault him for that. 
I have also officially started my get the baby off diet. I hate loosing weight. My Aunt B said that dieting is so horrid because it starts with D-I-E. I have to agree. Wish me luck!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Reply for "Amelia's Dress"
In a previous blog regarding the movie Underworld i posted this picture of Amelia's arrival gown.

It is a fabulous dress that was created by Wendy Partridge who is also responsible for the costumes in Silent Hill, Hell boy and Blade 2.
It has been asked of me by several people if I knew where they could get the dress or a more detailed picture so that it could be replicated for them. When I started my quest to find the answer all I kept pulling up was my own page.
this is the best I could find after a lot of Internet scouring. I hope that it helps!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Hello, My name is Inigo Montoya, You killed my father. Prepare to die!
Nah, not really, but it is who he is named after. Isn't my little dude such a cutie? He was born on Valentine's Day and we bought him two months later at the Mall pet store. He loves water and taking baths so much that he will jump into the tub anytime someone is in it.

Nah, not really, but it is who he is named after. Isn't my little dude such a cutie? He was born on Valentine's Day and we bought him two months later at the Mall pet store. He loves water and taking baths so much that he will jump into the tub anytime someone is in it.
Here he is testing Lorelei's bouncer seat for comfort quality. The bottom pic is him catching a snooze on my bed.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
no unecessary needles
Lorelei had her first round of immunizations today. My poor baby was screaming the house down. We had thought about getting her ears pierced but we will be waiting on that. I just can't inflict pain for even a second on her that is purely cosmetic. Call me a wimp, I will answer to it. When she gets older and wants them I will let her get them. I want her to choose it though. I have had my ears pierced all my life and it did not really make it any better or worse for me so I think this is kind of a neutral decision.
3 more days until J and I go on our date! We are going to go see The Happening. I am so excited. J and Mom think the movie is going to seriously creep them out. I have seen so many horror flicks that I am pretty desensitized. I expect to jump a few times and then completely forget about it after I leave the theater. Gremlins still suck though. I abhor that film.
3 more days until J and I go on our date! We are going to go see The Happening. I am so excited. J and Mom think the movie is going to seriously creep them out. I have seen so many horror flicks that I am pretty desensitized. I expect to jump a few times and then completely forget about it after I leave the theater. Gremlins still suck though. I abhor that film.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Dr. Dense
A good doctor, one you can really trust & talk to, is worth his/her weight in gold.
Lorelei had her 2 month well baby check up this afternoon. Being that we are military my choices in pediatricians is limited. In fact I had an appointment with my usual guy Doctor V. but since I was so early they just went ahead and put me in with the new guy Dr. C. I should have just told them I wanted to wait for my regular time slot to roll around.
When we got in the exam room Dr. C asks me about any concerns I have. I stated that she has reflux (per diagnosis from the neonatalogist at the hospital she was born in) and vomits anywhere from 1-3 ounces of her bottle at most feedings. She only gets four ounces at a time. She is growing right on target so it is not a huge concern but I just though to throw it out there. My son also had reflux so I am quite used to it and know my fair share about it. We did a swallow study and all sorts of madness just to get the correct diagnosis with Rory.
Anyways, back to my point. I tell the Dr. that she throws up 1-3oz and he responds tartly "Oh, you measured it?" I am not a confrontational person but i dearly despise being treated like an idiot. I looked at him, smiled and said "Yes, I did." He then drags me into a conversation about my vomit measurement where he proceeds to explain to me that she does not throw up more than half and ounce. So now I am an idiot and a liar.
To add insult to injury he tells me that spitting up is normal and people, meaning me, just don't seem to realize that. In case you have lost count, I am now and Idiot, a Liar, and do not know what I am talking about. During all of this Lorelei threw up 3 times. If only her aim was better and the Dr. C had gotten a little bit closer the appointment might have ended on a happier note for me.
Lorelei had her 2 month well baby check up this afternoon. Being that we are military my choices in pediatricians is limited. In fact I had an appointment with my usual guy Doctor V. but since I was so early they just went ahead and put me in with the new guy Dr. C. I should have just told them I wanted to wait for my regular time slot to roll around.
When we got in the exam room Dr. C asks me about any concerns I have. I stated that she has reflux (per diagnosis from the neonatalogist at the hospital she was born in) and vomits anywhere from 1-3 ounces of her bottle at most feedings. She only gets four ounces at a time. She is growing right on target so it is not a huge concern but I just though to throw it out there. My son also had reflux so I am quite used to it and know my fair share about it. We did a swallow study and all sorts of madness just to get the correct diagnosis with Rory.
Anyways, back to my point. I tell the Dr. that she throws up 1-3oz and he responds tartly "Oh, you measured it?" I am not a confrontational person but i dearly despise being treated like an idiot. I looked at him, smiled and said "Yes, I did." He then drags me into a conversation about my vomit measurement where he proceeds to explain to me that she does not throw up more than half and ounce. So now I am an idiot and a liar.
To add insult to injury he tells me that spitting up is normal and people, meaning me, just don't seem to realize that. In case you have lost count, I am now and Idiot, a Liar, and do not know what I am talking about. During all of this Lorelei threw up 3 times. If only her aim was better and the Dr. C had gotten a little bit closer the appointment might have ended on a happier note for me.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Thursday 13
1. The Princess Bride, Westley & Buttercup. 2. Legend, Jack & Princess Lily. 3. Dirty Dancing, Johnny Castle & Frances 'Baby' Houseman. 4. The Sleeping Dictionary, Selima & Aggie. 5. Pirates of the Caribbean, Will Turner & Elizabeth Swann Turner. 6. Lord of the Rings, Aragorn & Arwen. 7. Last of the Mohicans, Hawkeye & Cora Munro. 8. Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Jeff Malene & Janey Glenn. 9. Sixteen Candles, Jake Ryan & Samantha Baker. 10. Willow, Madmartigan & Sorsha. 11. The Terminator, Kyle Reese & Sarah Connor. 12. Beauty and the Beast, Beast & Belle 13. Sleeping Beauty, Prince Phillip & Princess Aurora |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Puppies and Pacis
Rory is now beginning his potty training. I am now responsible for teaching proper placement of bodily waste to a puppy with the attention span of a gnat and capable of outburst of energy that would put a hummingbird on crack to shame but also a toddler with the attention span of a gnat and capable of outburst of energy that would put a hummingbird on crack to shame. Rory has also introduced Inigo (puppy) to his pacifier. Both dog and child are being slowly broken from it. I wanted Rory to be close to Inigo and do everything with him, but I suppose I should have specified what I meant by everything.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Meme from Chelsea Morning.
skipped school? Yes. I was almost considered truant by the state of Texas. I had to make up the missed days by going to detention twice a week and on saturdays.
watched someone die? Saw my dad the day before he died.
been to Canada? No.
been to Mexico? Just New Mexico.
been to Florida? Yep.
been on a plane? Yes, but I was so little that I rode for free so no memory.
been lost? Oh heavens yes. That is why I have built in navigation in any car I own.
been on the opposite side of the country? Yes. New York, NY from East Texas.
gone to Washington, DC? yep, when I was nine.
swam in the ocean? Yes but not by choice, I was peer pressured! I am deathly afraid of open water.
had your booze taken away by the cops? Nope just my husband.
lettered in a high school sport? I quit before I got the letter. Dance Team
cried yourself to sleep? Yes.
played cops and robbers? I am sure I did.
played dolls? I love my dolls!
recently colored with crayons? Yep.
sang Karaoke? No. I try to avoid singing for anyone other than my kids.
paid for a meal with coins only? Ha! I just paid that way at Sonic yesterday.
done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yeah, I got pregnant again after my son.
cheated on an exam? Yes. It was a book keeping class in high school. The teacher left us alone for the whole class period with the answer key onher desk. Knock Knock, it's temptation calling. Oh yeah I answered.
made prank phone calls? I honestly do not remember.
laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose? Yes. Oh it burns.
caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes.
danced in the rain? Yep.
written a letter to Santa Claus? I had special stationary for him.
been kissed under the mistletoe? Nope. Don't need it for an excuse to kiss the man I love.
watched the sunrise with someone you care about? Yes. J & I chaperoned a church youth group lock in. We were the only ones to last til morning.
been arrested? Never.
blown bubbles? Not in a long time. I bought my son a bubble gun so I would not have too. I am so lazy.
gone ice-skating. Once. Didn't last long because my mom feel on her broken arm.
been skinny dipping outdoors? No.
had a nickname? Not really. Some people call me Bridge but I do not encourage it. J calls me love muffin
been to Africa? No and you couldn't pay me to go there.
eaten cookies for dinner? ha! yes.
been on TV? No.
stolen any traffic signs? Does being an accessory to the crime count? J and I were with some of his friends when they tried to get a speed limit sign. It ended up coming up sign, pole, & cement.
been in a car accident? 1
What is your....mother's name? beverly.
favorite drink? sweet tea.
favorite alcohol? bahama mama.
birthplace? Andrews AFB, Maryland.
favorite vacation spot? texas
Favorite salad dressing? ranch.
favorite pie? cherry.
favorite number? 4.
favorite movie? princess bride.
favorite holiday? Christmas.
favorite food? mexican or sushi
favorite day of the week? Friday.
favorite brand of body wash? mandaerin orange (B&BW).
favorite toothpaste? Colgate or crest.
favorite smell? J's.
Do you have any...tattoos? 3
body piercings? Ears.
Do you drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? van, 4 doors.
What do you do to relax? Sleep. That's extremely relaxing. And I read. A lot.
How do you see yourself in 10 years? homeschooling
skipped school? Yes. I was almost considered truant by the state of Texas. I had to make up the missed days by going to detention twice a week and on saturdays.
watched someone die? Saw my dad the day before he died.
been to Canada? No.
been to Mexico? Just New Mexico.
been to Florida? Yep.
been on a plane? Yes, but I was so little that I rode for free so no memory.
been lost? Oh heavens yes. That is why I have built in navigation in any car I own.
been on the opposite side of the country? Yes. New York, NY from East Texas.
gone to Washington, DC? yep, when I was nine.
swam in the ocean? Yes but not by choice, I was peer pressured! I am deathly afraid of open water.
had your booze taken away by the cops? Nope just my husband.
lettered in a high school sport? I quit before I got the letter. Dance Team
cried yourself to sleep? Yes.
played cops and robbers? I am sure I did.
played dolls? I love my dolls!
recently colored with crayons? Yep.
sang Karaoke? No. I try to avoid singing for anyone other than my kids.
paid for a meal with coins only? Ha! I just paid that way at Sonic yesterday.
done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yeah, I got pregnant again after my son.
cheated on an exam? Yes. It was a book keeping class in high school. The teacher left us alone for the whole class period with the answer key onher desk. Knock Knock, it's temptation calling. Oh yeah I answered.
made prank phone calls? I honestly do not remember.
laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose? Yes. Oh it burns.
caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes.
danced in the rain? Yep.
written a letter to Santa Claus? I had special stationary for him.
been kissed under the mistletoe? Nope. Don't need it for an excuse to kiss the man I love.
watched the sunrise with someone you care about? Yes. J & I chaperoned a church youth group lock in. We were the only ones to last til morning.
been arrested? Never.
blown bubbles? Not in a long time. I bought my son a bubble gun so I would not have too. I am so lazy.
gone ice-skating. Once. Didn't last long because my mom feel on her broken arm.
been skinny dipping outdoors? No.
had a nickname? Not really. Some people call me Bridge but I do not encourage it. J calls me love muffin
been to Africa? No and you couldn't pay me to go there.
eaten cookies for dinner? ha! yes.
been on TV? No.
stolen any traffic signs? Does being an accessory to the crime count? J and I were with some of his friends when they tried to get a speed limit sign. It ended up coming up sign, pole, & cement.
been in a car accident? 1
What is your....mother's name? beverly.
favorite drink? sweet tea.
favorite alcohol? bahama mama.
birthplace? Andrews AFB, Maryland.
favorite vacation spot? texas
Favorite salad dressing? ranch.
favorite pie? cherry.
favorite number? 4.
favorite movie? princess bride.
favorite holiday? Christmas.
favorite food? mexican or sushi
favorite day of the week? Friday.
favorite brand of body wash? mandaerin orange (B&BW).
favorite toothpaste? Colgate or crest.
favorite smell? J's.
Do you have any...tattoos? 3
body piercings? Ears.
Do you drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? van, 4 doors.
What do you do to relax? Sleep. That's extremely relaxing. And I read. A lot.
How do you see yourself in 10 years? homeschooling
Sweet Surrender

More changes in my household. We sold Mom's van, traded in my truck, and bought a Chrysler Town & Country. It is fully loaded and has all the options. It can almost drive itself. I am officially a minivan mom. My Brother in law teases me about it but he is just jealous that my van is smarter than him! Just joking, I love my "brother". What kind of "sister" would I be if I did not give as good as I get?
We bought a pug & named him Inigo after one of the characters in my favorite move The Princess Bride. He is a sweetie pie. He loves the kids and our golden retirever Linus. Now if I can housebreak him before I go insane! I will post pics as soon as I upload them off the camera.
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