Tomorrow marks the first day of October. It is also the first day of Bridget's horror movie hall of fame. My top 31 picks for best horror movies. The entries range from slasher, supernatural, and even semi comedies. But before we get into my favorites lets start with the top 10 WORST horror films of all time.
10. The Grudge
This movie was just ridiculous. A house where someone was killed in the grip of mighty rage is now the source of much death. The hing that irks me is that you do not even have to live in the house. You just have to be an acquaintance of a friend's relative twice removed that looked at it once and your toast. The baddies seems to have the ability to run amok anywhere they wish. Shouldn't they be stuck in the house or something? The main theme seems to be that if you know anyone in Japan you are going to die from this curse.
9. Dark Water
Another Japanese flick remade to death for the American public. Way too slow and just disappointing all around.
8. Alien 3
Skip it. If you are a fan of the franchise then you might want to watch it once just to know what happens. This is one of the rare franchises that the first one was good and the sequel was even better. They should have stopped at two. We do not need twelve sequels for every good movie. Sometimes you said all you needed to in the original. I digress. Ripley is stuck on an all male penal colony with yet another alien. This time the alien is part dog which is just wrong. Horror movies that use animal slaughter for shock tactics are sad. This particular film has a serious no way out feel to it that makes you wonder "Why don't we just nuke the planet and be done with it?" Well probably because we did that last time and no one likes monotony.
7. Children of the Corn
Corn fields are creepy but small children? Grab a baseball bat and let loose on the little brats. Enough said.
6. Anaconda
Giant man eating snake should equal scary but I was more disturbed by Jon Voight and J.Lo.
5. Jaws 3 & 4
Why did I lump these two together? Because after 1 & 2 the Brody Family should have moved to Ohio. The fact that this traumatized family continues to choose careers that demand they spend copious amounts of time in the ocean is plain dumb.
4. Godzilla (remake)
Did you see it? Yea I knew you would agree.
3. Ticks
Tiny bloodsuckers that are not so tiny anymore. Now the size of an over fed house cat these critters pose serious problems for a group of troubled teens on a camp out. My favorite is the guy who played Carlton on Fresh Prince of Bel-Air's character as the mean gang banger who pumps steroids. Steroids that later cause his tick friend to burst from his body the size of a Buick. Yea this one was destined for late night airings on Starz.
2. Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation
Matthew Maconughey (sp?) is the crazy family man and Renee Zellwegger's damsel in distress turned butt kicking survivor make this movie even more pathetic. But hey we all gotta start somewhere.
1. House of 1000 Corpses
I was so excited to see this movie. Rob Zombie as writer and director sounded like a win win to me. I literally got a headache from watching. Not the kind a little Tylenol cures either. Trying to keep up with the logic was more topsy turvy than any roller coaster at six flags.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
As I alienate feminist everywhere...
I have never been much of a feminist. Probably cause I am too lazy for the real commitment. I watch the CMT "reality" series Making the Team: Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. Yea I know but I think it is fun. One of the girls on the last episode was told she is heavy. For the average woman I scoff at this assessment but later they showed her in the skimpy little shorts that are really just briefs and the tiny sports bra and I saw what they saw. Is she fat? By no means! Does that little bit of extra tissue in her lower back look good in that uniform? No, not really. Next to the other girls it really stands out too. Personally I would kill for her body but I am not trying out to dance in a bikini and boots in front of millions. So while feminist around the world target me for elimination I say girlfriend needs to tone it up or get a new dream.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Family ties
My Aunt B and Grandmother have been in town since Tuesday. Today is their last day before heading back to the lone star state. It is always nice to have family come visit but I think everyone craves normalcy again after about three days. I more crave normal sleep patterns. Rory usually makes not a peep until around 8:30 am. This week he has been getting up increasingly early every morning and trying to slide by with shorter and shorter naps. You can imagine the mood he gets into around five in the afternoon.
My sweet baby is possessed by the spirit of a grumpy old man. My mood is of course tied to my sons so that is fun.
Tonight we are going to a Japanese steak house for my Aunt's 57th birthday. Oh yea. Good food.
My sweet baby is possessed by the spirit of a grumpy old man. My mood is of course tied to my sons so that is fun.
Tonight we are going to a Japanese steak house for my Aunt's 57th birthday. Oh yea. Good food.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Yours, Mine, and Ours Space

Myspace has been acting hinky for a few weeks now. I swear it takes me 15 minutes to log in and that is when I can even get the page to load at all. Myspace has been a powerful tool. Dangerous, but powerful. I have been able to find people dear to my heart that have moved as far away as Germany. Samantha who is my only permanent comment resident was a high school friend that moved away before graduation but through the awesome powers of myspace we were reunited. I recently found another friend that actually lived in the same town as me for several years, this is odd because it is 620 miles from the hometown we grew up in together.
Unfortunately with the good comes the bad. People who barely knew me then or have absolutely nothing in common with me now still want to add you to the 62895436 other friends they have on their page. Granted some people grow and mature (myself included) and make great additions to my life but for the most part I am fine being acquaintances from the same town who wave when we see each other but don't really stop to catch up. Then of course there are the stalkers. I think we all stalk a little. I will admit to it. This is why I keep my page private. I know people like me are out there surfing profiles out of sheer boredom.
I really use myspace as more of a starting place to reconnect. For instance Samantha and I email back and forth on the site but we have phone #'s also so we can talk like in the olden days. It is great for getting back in touch so that you can plan to visit the next time your both in town et cetera. Now that I have given my wisdom on myspace to the world I think it is time for bed.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Apple harvest

I love apples. Apple juice, apple sauce, apple cider, red candy apples, apple butter on biscuits, Fried apples, baked apples, and of course just plain apples. When I am pregnant apples are a serious trigger food for me. I can still drink the juice which I do buy the gallon but any solid form of apple lasts less than 10 minutes in my stomach. This time of year is so perfect for apples too. The farmers market had my absolute favorite Honey Crisp apples out and I had to pass. Thanksgiving and Christmas are synonymous with apple pie in my house. Not this year. Good thing I love pumpkin pie too.
Why all the apple obsession? I watched Iron Chef America last night and the secret ingredient was apples. I was not impressed with most of he dishes the chefs made but it did make me think of all the apple based foods I do love.
Yesterday Rory created his first art work on the hallway wall. Beautiful lines in orange against a crisp white backdrop.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Who is related to 3 presidents, four first lady's, 8 authors, 5 movies stars, 1 queen , and 1 outlaw?
Mom has been working on genealogy and our family history for some time now. All her hard work has shown a relationship to quite a few famous people.
The wives of presidents Taft, Taylor, Pierce, and Mckinley.
Helen Herron Taft
Presidents Chester A Arthur, Gerald Ford, Lyndon B Johnson.

Movies Stars Laurence Olivier, James Dean, Bette Davis, Lillian Gish, & Raymond Massey.

Authors Agatha Christie, Truman Capote, Clement Moore (wrote The Night Before Christmas), Virginia Wolf, Booker T Washington, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jane Austen, George Eliot.

Queen Elizabeth II of the English Commonwealth.

Frank James- American outlaw and half brother of Jesse James.

There are a few others that include military heroes, Mayflower passengers, Doctors, and of course Sam Walton the guy that is responsible for Walmart.
Mom has been working on genealogy and our family history for some time now. All her hard work has shown a relationship to quite a few famous people.
The wives of presidents Taft, Taylor, Pierce, and Mckinley.

Presidents Chester A Arthur, Gerald Ford, Lyndon B Johnson.

Movies Stars Laurence Olivier, James Dean, Bette Davis, Lillian Gish, & Raymond Massey.

Authors Agatha Christie, Truman Capote, Clement Moore (wrote The Night Before Christmas), Virginia Wolf, Booker T Washington, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jane Austen, George Eliot.

Queen Elizabeth II of the English Commonwealth.

Frank James- American outlaw and half brother of Jesse James.

There are a few others that include military heroes, Mayflower passengers, Doctors, and of course Sam Walton the guy that is responsible for Walmart.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
New TV
The fall television season is approaching fast. Since I have been suffering since finale season last year this time marks great happiness in my life. I am not a huge TV person. I do not like to watch random series' or movies just cause they are on and I am bored. Though lately with the nausea from S.A.M. reading has been out so I have seen several shows I would not normally subject myself to. When I was in the hospital two weeks ago for an IV (long story) I could only watch the animal planet so the Meerkat Manor Marathon was my only choice for entertainment. As much as I hate to admit it I was sucked into the world of those little rodents (?) for about two and a half hours. I have even caught myself checking up on them since that day. As a usually loud protester for most reality TV I am so ashamed. But I only protest as loud as the four walls of my own house because I may not watch American Idol but I am all over So you think you can dance. Don't want to be a total hypocrite.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Sound check
Rory had the hearing test this morning. He passed with flying colors. Yay! no hearing aid but Boo! stubborn child that refuses to communicate. We had a huge nightmare episode lat evening. In the past J was the monster chaser who made the world right again for his little man. Last night Mommy had to fill in. Rory looked at J's empty spot on the bed and then kind of shrugged and was happy to have mommy. That was about 5:45 this morning. It sort of put me into a mild panic when I was woken from dead sleep by hysterical screaming. The sprint to his bed room upset S.A.M. who threatened to empty out dinner. We came to a compromise that we could throw up later but first we had to deal with big brother. Before that even my mom's cat Tigger was under my bed screaming and refused to come out. I made mom come get the little vagrant. Tigger has IBS and she must have had a bad tummy ache but I was not listening to that all night.
I think I have been more stressed over the whole hearing test than I realized. I was very nauseated this morning and breakfast did not last long. I took my zofran and thankfully felt better. Now that it is all over I do definitely feel lighter and more relaxed. I am ready for a nap though. Between cats and kids conspiring against my sleep last night and stress I am worn out.
I think I have been more stressed over the whole hearing test than I realized. I was very nauseated this morning and breakfast did not last long. I took my zofran and thankfully felt better. Now that it is all over I do definitely feel lighter and more relaxed. I am ready for a nap though. Between cats and kids conspiring against my sleep last night and stress I am worn out.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Fall has fallen
The weather is finally changing for cooler temps. I am so happy about this development. I know a lot of people get depressed in the winter time when everything is cold and dead but I love it. I am no fan of being hot and the summers make me feel like I am under house arrest. The air outside is crisp and I just want to go out and play. My house feels good, no more a/c unit fighting to keep up with the heat of the summer. I do not think I will survive a Texas summer ever again. I will have to hibernate in the deep freeze.
In other news J has found FL to be an okay arrangement. He likes the work he is doing and the place they put him up at is very nice. He said if Rory and I were there it would almost feel like a vacation.
Tomorrow Rory has a hearing test to finally see if he has any loss. We of course pray hat he does not but if that is not the way of it than it will be okay. Growing up with a mother who has severe hearing loss has made that particular handicap a little less scary. I can just see us trying to keep a hearing aid in Rory's ear. Duct tape anyone?
In other news J has found FL to be an okay arrangement. He likes the work he is doing and the place they put him up at is very nice. He said if Rory and I were there it would almost feel like a vacation.
Tomorrow Rory has a hearing test to finally see if he has any loss. We of course pray hat he does not but if that is not the way of it than it will be okay. Growing up with a mother who has severe hearing loss has made that particular handicap a little less scary. I can just see us trying to keep a hearing aid in Rory's ear. Duct tape anyone?
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Not a total slacker
I had intended to do the bloggy tradition thing where on your 100th post you put up 100 random things about yourself. Those who know me realize that I am a pretty open person and there really are not a lot of things I won't tell you. I cannot think up that many things about me that don't get into the stuff like "I am a girl." and "I was born once."
In that spirit here is what I do have since I am not a total slacker.
Breath like Darth Vader in my sleep.
Hate the ocean because I fear I will be eaten by sharks.
Like sushi.
Refuse to eat crunchy peanut butter.
Do not have a favorite color.
Laugh during a crisis.
Was born on the same day as William Shakespeare (he died on his birthday) & Shirley Temple Black.
Graduated my Junior year from High School.
Like thanksgiving because of pumpkin pie and jellied cranberry sauce.
Believe that all movies are separated into two categories. Horror and non-horror.
Do not have a nickname.
Wanted to be a veterinarian, English teacher, FBI profiler, & a psychiatrist at different points growing up.
Had two weddings six month apart to the same man in the same church.
Tore the lingual frenulum that attaches the tongue to the bottom of mouth.
Have never broken a bone.
Am still scared of Gremlins.
Despise movies whose intent is to make me cry. It all started with Steel Magnolias.
Met my husband on the Internet before realizing that we went to the same school.
School mascot was a buckeye. We didn’t look fierce but eat us and you will die!
First word was “No.” Guess I heard it a lot.
Hometown celebrates the Yam every October in a festival called the Yamboree.
Father did not have a middle name.
Meal is BBQ chicken, potato salad, baked beans, & sweet tea.
Ice cream is a Bluebell’s dutch chocolate.
Movie is The Princess Bride.
Horror Movie is Aliens.
TV series ever is Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Holiday is Halloween.
In that spirit here is what I do have since I am not a total slacker.
Breath like Darth Vader in my sleep.
Hate the ocean because I fear I will be eaten by sharks.
Like sushi.
Refuse to eat crunchy peanut butter.
Do not have a favorite color.
Laugh during a crisis.
Was born on the same day as William Shakespeare (he died on his birthday) & Shirley Temple Black.
Graduated my Junior year from High School.
Like thanksgiving because of pumpkin pie and jellied cranberry sauce.
Believe that all movies are separated into two categories. Horror and non-horror.
Do not have a nickname.
Wanted to be a veterinarian, English teacher, FBI profiler, & a psychiatrist at different points growing up.
Had two weddings six month apart to the same man in the same church.
Tore the lingual frenulum that attaches the tongue to the bottom of mouth.
Have never broken a bone.
Am still scared of Gremlins.
Despise movies whose intent is to make me cry. It all started with Steel Magnolias.
Met my husband on the Internet before realizing that we went to the same school.
School mascot was a buckeye. We didn’t look fierce but eat us and you will die!
First word was “No.” Guess I heard it a lot.
Hometown celebrates the Yam every October in a festival called the Yamboree.
Father did not have a middle name.
Meal is BBQ chicken, potato salad, baked beans, & sweet tea.
Ice cream is a Bluebell’s dutch chocolate.
Movie is The Princess Bride.
Horror Movie is Aliens.
TV series ever is Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Holiday is Halloween.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Too many #'s in this post.
My 100th post is under a dark cloud. Today J left for his deployment. I am thankful that he will only be going as far as Florida but still sad that he is not here with me. His first official day is going to be the 11th and his last should be January 12th which is 124 days later. We will be visiting him in 42 days. Seems so close and yet far to long to wait. I just count my blessing that I even have the opportunity to visit. Most wives whose husbands deploy do not have that luxury. I am trying to be strong and not complain but being that I have extra hormone right now that takes some doing. My brain was telling me I am supposed to cry because my husband just left but I am trying to shut it down. No sense in freaking out the little guy and S.A.M. is not fond of emotional outbursts. Ironic since he/she seems to rejoice in making Mommy a babbling idiot. I got cute pictures of Rory trying to climb in the car with Daddy as he packed it up. He was all about going in the suitcase last night. Rotten little stowaway.
Well Rory and I are going to go back to bed. We went down way late last night and got up too early in a attempt to spend extra time together as a family. So fond farewell and goodnight...again.
Well Rory and I are going to go back to bed. We went down way late last night and got up too early in a attempt to spend extra time together as a family. So fond farewell and goodnight...again.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Time to kill
Having recently spent a lot of time in my bed trying to get over morning sickness I watched a lot of TV. One of the first movies I watched was "Steel Magnolias". Bad idea. Hormonal pregnant woman and sappy dramas do not mesh well. It was on a station with commercials so I had time to recover between sobbing myself silly. Saw the same thirty minutes of "Practical Magic" at least eleven times. Watched "Clueless", "The Babysitters Club", and a plethora of other brain numbing fun. Probably the most fun I had was with "The Terminator" with my love affair with AH-nold you would think he would be the reason for watching it but you would be wrong. My heart belongs to Kyle Reese in this film. The hero destined to be the father of the future and give his life for his lover Sarah Connor. Le sigh. One of the best love scenes ever produced by Hollywood.

I need new hobbies.

I need new hobbies.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
only 33 weeks to go! (Kill me now.)

Sorry I have been lax lately. Without going into details I will say that my unborn child is kicking my butt unmercifully. We have had a trip to the ER which involved an IV and one blown vein, that hurts really bad by the way. Double digit weight loss from all the vomiting. Medication to keep the nausea at bay, switched a regular medication because baby hates it. Add in indigestion that feels like a rib spreader in my sternum and constipation with cramps, just a small window into my world. Pretty isn't it? Probably TMI but I really have given up caring about the rest of the world. Only children that work in south american sweatshops have my pity these days.
Motherhood suits me, pregnancy does not. I hate it. I did all this before with my son and swore it would never happen again. Shame on me, I lied. I listened to the fairy tales that every pregnancy is different. They meant different in the sense that two apples may not have the same shape but are still apples all the same. Oh this time is different all right. The medicine that worked like a charm with Rory do not quite cut it this time. Several ailments that stayed away until the third trimester have popped up in just my 7th week. I have been told mother nature is fair so I pray that when I enter my second trimester I can get some relief. Oh and if I meet one more Mama that never had a "lick of morning sickness" I am going to puke on her.
On top of all this loveliness J leaves for FL on Sunday not to return until sometime in January. That means two 13 hour drives to visit with a toddler, mother, and asthmatic cat in tow. I do believe that what does not kill me makes me stronger but I would have preferred to stay a bit farther from death's door. I feel like I am crowding him. God must have something great planned for me cause he sure is piling on the tests of character.
P.S. Mom had a problem with the nickname I had given my inutero kiddo. I had coined the name 'parasite' with Rory so this one was 'parasite pt. duex'. Mom said "Let's call the baby Sam until we find out gender since Sam can be either Samuel or Samantha. I said "How about S.A.M. for Small Alien Mammal." So from now on 'it' will be referred to as S.A.M. until gender and name is figured out.
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